Clearing the Windows CAC Certificate Cache


As an NCO myself I’m always doing whatever I can to help my soldiers be more productive. One of those include allow them to use my personal laptop. Whether were out in the field, on the road or in the shop. I always bring my laptop to help get my work done. I let my soldiers check their pay, complete an online admin requirements; like accident avoidance, & etc. But in doing so everybody’s certificates stay in my CAC login box, which depending how many soldiers you have it could be a big list. So I’m giving you the steps to properly remove all those certificates for your CAC login:

Here is the process:

  1. Open the “Start Menu”

  2. Open the “Control Panel”

  3. If your Control Panel is in Classic View

    1. Select “Internet Options”.

  4. If your Control Panel is in Category View

    1. Select the “Network & Internet” category

    2. Select “Internet Options”

  5. Open the “Content” Tab

  6. Click the “Certificates” button

  7. Ensure te “Personal” tab is selected and highlight the certificates you want to remove

  8. “Remove” the highlighted certificate

  9. Click “Close” to close the certificate window

  10. Click “OK” to close the internet options

  11. Click the red “X” to close the Control Panel

  12. Remove your CAC from the card reader

  13. Reinsert your CAC & login to the desktop if necessary

Hope this is helpful.