Leaders here’s some important information everyone should be aware of. Involving promotions & the STEP program.
Suspension of Temp Promotions and STEP
Effective June 2024 Promotion Month, G-1 Memo Dated 2 May 2024
Purpose: Memo suspends temporary promotions and modifies the requirement to complete a requisite level of professional military education (PME) to qualify for promotion to Master Sergeant and below.
Applies to: Regular Army, United States Army Reserve (USAR), Army National Guard (ARNG), and the Army National Guard of the United States (ARNGUS).
- Soldiers previously promoted with a temporary promotion will not revert to their former grade and are considered promoted to their current grade without further conditions. No promotion order adjustments are required. To clarify, future promotions will require completion of the requisite level of NCOPDS training to qualify for promotion.
- Soldiers who elect to voluntarily separate or retire will be considered fully eligible to do so (from a promotion perspective) in their current grade regardless of the NCOPDS status, provided they are otherwise eligible.
- As an exception to policy, eligibility to attend the Basic Leaders Course does not require Soldiers be recommended for promotion to Sergeant.
- 150 points are awarded to Soldiers recommended for promotion to SGT who are graduates of the Basic Leader Course and Soldiers recommended for promotion to SSG who are graduates of the Advanced Leader Course.